Established in 1995, the Lucky Pucks revolutionized women's ice hockey in South Florida. By 2023, we introduced a youth program for the 14/16U divisions and an exhibition team for the 12Us. Our growth continued in 2024, now offering programs for 8U - 19U players who have completed the learn-to-play programs and wish to join an all-girls team. Our club includes girls and women aged 12 to 60+ years young.
We are from all professions: school teachers, doctors, police officers, marine biologists, mothers, ship captains, nurses, pilots, corporate lawyers
We are also of all skill levels from novice beginners to former Division 1 College players.
Hockey offers a fantastic blend of physical fitness, quick thinking, teamwork, and personal development for players. Unfortunately, there is a common misconception that hockey is only for boys, leading girls to miss out on this incredible sport. We are dedicated to changing this narrative by encouraging more girls to give hockey a try and providing them with a supportive environment to form lasting connections both on and off the ice. We also believe those interested in playing co-ed hockey should have the opportunity to do so. Many of our players also participate in co-ed teams across various levels, from recreational to high school.
Our teams play in the SGHL and compete with teams across Florida and the Southeast. For 12U-16U teams games are played once per month (4 per weekend) starting in October. There are 4 regular season weeks followed by a championship. 8U-10U are played over three weekends and are jamboree style. The league is a developmental league and can be considered "rec-select." Yes we travel, but for regular season games the locations are all reachable by car such as Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville and Charleston.
The Lucky Pucks is a non-profit organization led by a dedicated team of volunteers who are passionate about empowering girls to embrace the game of hockey and continue playing throughout their lives, no matter their chosen level. Our mission is to make hockey accessible to all by keeping costs low through fundraising efforts, donations, and collaboration with our rink partners. We are more than just a team - we are a tight-knit family that excels at playing top-notch hockey!
Engaging in the game is only the beginning of the experience we offer. Our program includes a fun locker room atmosphere complete with humorous awards and team activities. We focus on fostering team bonding and emphasize that a strong team is built on more than just individual skills. Our core values revolve around promoting leadership, respect, and compassion. Additionally, our dedicated, all-volunteer female coaching staff, certified by USA Hockey, serve as positive role models for our players.